Fire Resistant Building Blocks: A Sensible Solution To California’s Heartbreaking Recurring Loss Of Homes To Fire
We are introducing our Eco Building Systems Corp (EBS), The Perfect Block™ elements and building systems to California. We will be attending the California Green Summit in Sacramento on April 9th and 10th to introduce ourselves to Californians and the California state decision makers.
We want to inform Californians of a “green building” block that could significantly minimize the trauma of those who have experienced the devastating loss of their homes to fires. Those choosing to rebuild and those planning to build in the future should feel safe and confident that the next home they build won’t be once again destroyed by fire. That “green building” block is The Perfect Block™ insulated composite concrete form (ICCF).
“The Perfect Block™” is an insulated composite concrete form (ICCF) system made of a mixture of “ground up” post-industrial, post-consumer expanded polystyrene (EPS) also commonly known as “Styrofoam™”, Portland cement, and proprietary admixtures and water. Mixing cement with EPS ground into an aggregate makes The Perfect Block™ fireproof while at the same time maintaining outstanding insulating qualities. 100% of the EPS used in an ICCF block is recycled EPS intercepted before it reaches the landfill.
The EPS is what gives the ICCF block its outstanding insulating properties. We are using a modern era waste product that would be filling the world’s landfills to create a much-needed energy efficient and fireproof building block.
When the cores of assembled ICCF blocks are filled (grouted) with concrete and reinforcement steel (rebar) the cured structure provides a permanent framework for a monolithic “post and beam” grid of reinforced concrete to form incredibly strong, highly insulated stem walls, load-bearing walls, shear walls, non-load bearing walls, sound attenuation walls, lintels, perimeter walls, retaining walls, and many other components of a building.
Added features of The Perfect Block™ is its cost, which is highly competitive with wood framing and its strength: 700% stronger than traditional wood stick frame construction and its sound attenuation capability provides a quiet living environment. When properly engineered, it can be approved for seismic 8.0 earthquake zones. All this in a “green building” block that is fireproof and saves energy.
Californians should not fear rebuilding their homes in the same area where they suffered such loss but know all about their available options. Building with The Perfect Block™ coupled with safe fireproofing steps such as clearing property of combustible debris, metal roofs and soffits, and fireproof shutters for doors and windows, can ensure that a devastating loss of a home to fire is a thing of the past.